Welcome to info for Alison Pignolet, teacher of Yoga and Movement featuring Yoga Tune Up® and the Roll Model® Method
Gentle Yoga for Functional Movement will be offered on Wednesday, January 15 at 10:30 on Zoom. If you are interested in Wednesday classes, contact alpignolet@gmail.com .
Alison’s next Roll Model® Method Practitioner Training will be held on 2 Sundays, Feb. 16 and March 9 at Ubuntu Wellness in Chardon.
Not ready for the whole training, but want to get your rolling on? We’ve also got 3 RMM Workshops at Ubuntu Wellness in January: Reset Your Neck on the 17th, Get Grounded and Balanced on the 24th, and Breath and Bliss on the 31st. Follow links for individual classes, or go here for all three.
To learn about hosting Roll Model events or trainings at your studio, click here.
The Wednesday morning Gentle Yoga for Functional Movement is held when you register by Monday at 8PM. This page will be updated about the class status by Tuesday morning. Contact Alison at 440.552.4724 for information about either joining the Wednesday class or private instruction.
Visit the page “keep in touch with your teachers” to find your former YG teachers.